Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Evolution and such

I am continually fascinated by the number of people I meet who routinely and systematically deny evolution. This subject came to mind today while I was at work and talking with a fellow employee about religion, etc when he said, "I can understand where a lot of atheists are coming from on god, but I just don't think we came from monkeys."

I guess I'm not sure how some people can believe that there's a man in the sky, who can't be seen, heard, or touched. Yet he knows all about you, even before you know it yourself. As well, he sent his son, born of a VIRGIN to die for us. BUT.. he came back from the dead after a few days, so he never really died. As well, if you believe this, you will live forever high in the sky with the invisible man and his son, and the holy spirit. Oh did forget? See, there's this ghost, who travels along with the father and son. However, these are not three separate entities.. no. They are all one being. Yep, there is a father, son, and holy spirit, three for the price of one.

This passes for logic in the christian community...

Yet, when present with all the evidence; fossil records, observations of natural selection occurring in nature and in the laboratory, DNA analysis, mitochondrial DNA analysis, etc.. there are those who still hold that evolution does not, and has never occurred.

But why?

So I ask you that come along and read this blog: "Why, if presented with this evidence, deny it?"

I am planning on posting more entries to come about various creationist claims on the world and the cosmos. But as for now, I want to start a dialogue.

So please, don't be shy. I will shy away from ad hominem attacks and only stick to the scientific evidence for any (if any) rebuttals.

I look forward to your thoughts.



First Ever

Hej, hola, hello, bonjour, etc...

Welcome to the blog world of yours, moi. Here shall reside my ramblings on culture, religion, science, my future plans as a doctor, my views on the world, my views on my education, and lots of other random things.

I have spent, who knows, a year or so of reading blogs from around the globe. I have found the majority of them to be absolutely fascinating. Some may ask, "Why have a blog?" Well, in the words of Patrick Bateman.. "I want, to fit in..."

